C&K Testing Technology News of December 2017
29 December 2017 Notifications,2017,More,products,November
::-webkit-scrollbar{ display: none; } #divNeteaseBigAttach, #divNeteaseBigAttach_bak{display:none;} blockquote{display:none;} If you prefer not to receive this information, please click here to unsubscribe: Unsubscribe Me REACH Seven New Substances to be Added to the SVHC List The Member State Committee (MSC) supported to add seven new substances and bisphenol A (BPA) to the list of SVHC. The current entry of BPA and the list of SVHC will be updated by mid-January 2018. Legal...
Fidget Spinners Containing Lead Removed From Sale
27 December 2017 products,Fidget,children,spinner,children's
9 November 2017, the US Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) issued a report to alert the Target store and its suppliers Bulls I Toys after testing for lead content on the handheld toys. The report shows high levels of lead in the Fidget Spinners. The store has removed the fidget spinner from sale....
Scoop: How does the fidget spinner fad cross trade barriers? (Risk Analysis & items recommendation)
22 May 2017 Fidget Spinner, risk analysis
Recently, a stress-relieving artifact-Fidget Spinner (which is also named as Finger Spinner) - sweep the world. It is a small toy with a symmetric bearing system that can spin on one’s finger.But as the fidget spinner belongs to toys, it has to meet relevant technical regulations or standards before its domestic sale or export, or it may encounter disposal measures like punishing, withdrawing or even destroying....