Cosmetics & Hygienic Products
cosmetics, hygienic products, gb testing, tatoo inks, permanent make-up, PMU, disposable sanitary product
C&K Testing helps customers with China regulatory compliance for cosmetics....
Tattoo Ink and PMU Product Testing
PMU testing, permanent makeup, tattoo inks
C&K Testing renders full range of testing services for permanent makeup including tattoo inks....
Food Contact Materials
hazardous chemical substance,food containers testing,FCM tes
The hazardous chemical substance that contained in the daily uses, will migrate into food and damage humans...
China FCMs Testing (GB)
China, food contact materials, FCMs, regulations, legislation, food contact additive,testing, identification
Testing food and food contact materials is one of our testing services....
US FCMs Testing (FDA)
Phthalates are a group of plasticizers with softening and elastic effects. They are widely used in hundreds of types of products such as toys......
Furniture Testing
Furniture testing
C&K Testing renders professional testing services for furniture....
Jewellery Testing
Jewellery testing, fashion item testing, children's jewllery
C&K Testing renders...
Compositon Analysis
Rubber and plastic materials component analysis
Rubber and plastic materials component analysis testing items...
BPA Testing
Bisphenol A
Bisphenol A, also commonly referred to as BPA, is an organic chemical which is the essential basic building block (intermediate) for high performance....
Prop 65
Proposition 65
Proposition 65 (formally titled "The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986") is a California law passed by direct voter initiative in...
As food is the paramount necessity of people, itssafety is the top priority for almost all of us. In order to guarantee foodquality and safety, C&K Testing can render you with integrated solutionsfor testing by virtue of advanced analytical equipment, professional teams andprofound testing experience.Food and Agricultural Products TestingFood Ingredients TestingPhysical-chemical TestingMicrobial TestingVeterinary Drug Residue TestingHeavy Metal & Hazardous SubstancesT...
Prop 65
Prop 65, California, testing, warning, label, Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, listed chemicals
C&K Testing is able to render one-stop Prop 65 solutions integrating consulting, testing (the listed chemicals) and warning design....
Phthalate Testing
phthalate, REACH svhc, REACH annex xvii, GB 6675, US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
C&K Testing is at your service to render one-stop solutions for phthalates....
BPA Testing
food,contact,materials,BPA, migration, toys, stationery, children's products, thermal paper
C&K Testing is at your service to render one-stop solutions for Bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials and toys & children's products....
Composition Analysis
Compositionanalysis enables us to identify or quantify the concentration of a substances, multiplesubstances or unknown substances in a sample by utilising separation and analyticalmethods, which gives us a full picture of a sample.Why Should We Do Composition Analysis?FailureAnalysis. Understanding the composition of products helps us to know the underlyingissues of defective products for improvement.Deformulation. It is a good approach to learn about the formulation of new...
Children's Jewellery Testing
Jewellery consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment,such as anklets, arm cuffs, bracelets, brooches, chains, crowns, cuff links,decorated hair accessories, earrings, necklaces, pins and rings. Besidesvaluable jewellery, costume and fashion jewellery alsogains great popularity among consumers by its reasonable price and exquisitedesign.It is essential to confirm safety of jewellery as it always comes intodirect contact with the skin. Countries impose strin...
India Toy Standard
On September 1, 2017, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India published a notification (No.26/2015-2020), which amends its trade policy of foreign toys to enter the India market. All the imported toys shall comply with articles below.Import of toys (all items under EXIM Code 95030010, 95030020, 95030030 and 95030090) shall be permitted freely when accompanied by the following certificates:(i)A certificate that the toys being imported conform to the standards prescribed...